Maggie Wentzell

  • Associate Professor of Biology
    Email Address:
    Office location:
    Straz Center 294

    Maggie Wentzell earned her doctorate in neurobiology, honing her skills in the field of intracellular electrophysiology. Specific concentrations included sensorimotor integration and central pattern generators in intact, living nervous systems, and evolutionary transitions in nervous systems that can lead to discernible behavioral changes.

    In recent years, Prof. Wentzell has engaged with public presentations, unraveling the story of what happens inside the human brain during an experience of bias. Sorting out the structural complexity of the neural networks that lead to biased behavior, combined with the sure knowledge that plasticity (change) is possible, can be a powerful tool in eventually leading to a less biased society. This has led to numerous speaking opportunities, panel discussions, and consultations. 

    Prof. Wentzell earned a B.S. in Biology from Loyola University Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She joined the Carthage faculty in 2017 and greatly enjoys the dedication and commitment of the students.

    Visit Prof. Wentzell’s website: 

    • Ph.D. in Biology - University of Illinois, Chicago
    • B.S. in Biology - Loyola University, Chicago
    • BIO 2010: Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professional I
    • BIO 2020: Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professional II
    • BIO 675Q: Health Care in India: Traditional and Non-Traditional Healing
    • BIO 675: Integrative Health and Wellness: Alternative Medicine

    See a list of Prof. Wentzell’s presentations on her website: